He loves me, He loves me not

Keeping it real...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Knowing love

Do people really fall out of love like one who falls out of a bed? I think not. I believe the key to staying in love is knowing what love is and how to keep it real.


  1. I agree, Frank. A think another element in the equation is to accept and embrace your mate for who they are totally and refrain from attempting to make them into something else.

  2. Right on point. I often say, "if you find the perfect person don't marry them 'cause you'll only mess them up because you're not perfect."

  3. I would say it depends on how they fell in love; if they fell in love like you fall into bed, then they're probably going to fall out just as easily. I think we perceive love as being a feeling ie, goosebumps, butterflies, chills, etc. But love doesn't actually begin until those feelings are gone.

  4. Love to me is a commitment. A choice. A decision. Not a feeling. Feelings change. It's like loving God. You love Him because you decided to accept His Son's sacrifice based on faith in His Word. You commit to Him and He commits to you and there begins the relationship. It's not the zealous feelings you get in the beginning that sustains the relationship. Those good feelings are kind of like bait (smile). It's actually the choice, the decision you made to be a disciple no matter what that keeps you. You resolve to go all the way and let nothing turn you around.

    I believe this is true in our relationships with each other. We get to know the person, fall in love, get married and we make a choice to love them forever no matter what. To love their faults, quirks, good, bad all rolled up into one. The little butterflies (the good bait), and fuzzy feelings though they feel good, dissipate quickly. But if we remember and practice our commitment/decision/choice to love, honor and cherish each other when selfishness, pride, irritation, temptation etc. rears its head I believe we will “stay in love” no matter what.

  5. I think that the most important thing a man can do when talking about love with his woman is just that...TALK! She needs to know how you feel besides what you have to say! Speak up brother!

  6. Quick question Joel. As a woman who's been in a long relationship but now divorced, I found out to late that it wasn't what my ex said it was his actions. He said one thing and did another. What do you do when a brother does speak up but his behavior contradicts everything he says for years?

  7. Behavior is up to the one who is behaving, good or bad. If someone is acting differently that what he says then it indicates a poor quality of character or an unresolved issue. It may even be a cry for help from someone who doesn't know how to ask for it.

  8. Thank you so much. I do appreciate your thoughts. God Bless.

  9. Do we choose to love or, is it automatic?

  10. Love is a choice even if we are unaware that we've chosen to do so. Therefore, to stop loving is also a choice.

  11. Perhaps we confuse feelings with decisions made first. What do you say?

  12. Perhaps some people confuse feeling in love with the reality of being in love. Do you believe this is possible?

  13. What is the greatest obstacle to staying in love?

  14. i think the greatest obstacle to staying in love is love itself. your definition of love is "to value someone or something as precious, and to be inwardly moved to act on their behalf, at your expense, unconditionally." i'm really confident when i say that that might be the greatest task anyone could be asked to accomplish. when our happiness seems compromised it's hard to think about the other person and their needs. i think that's why we sometimes take the nearest exit when it seems like the traffic jam is not going to clear up. so i would say loving, the way it's explained in the Bible, is the first obstacle to staying in love...i think we're the second obstacle.

  15. Wow, how incredibly accurate!So then, what do we do? Love is so integral to every part of life; children; friends, spouse, church, & the Lord.

  16. I think the biggest obstacle to staying in love is not being able to see your mate as Christ sees him/her. I know for me, in the beginning I had the lovely butterflies that often cause women to daydream about their new love. But over time his flaws were exposed, the spotlight was on them & that was all I could see; so I began to loathe him. I asked the Lord to allow me to see my mate the way the He saw him. The focus began to change, the spotlight shifted. It transformed the way that I loved, the way that I saw him. The loathing turned to joy, appreciation & patience. My butterflies found their way back both in and out of his presence.

  17. Yes,I certainly can see how that works. But some, have been so bruised and betrayed, how then can they see past the hurt to being healed while at the same time, staying in love?

  18. family is the true complete love, who u find in your life who u want to be a big part of your family, & sometimes make a family of your own. God that is best love u can ever have....your children :-)) xx

  19. The Big Question about staying in love, is all to do with ourselfs........... if we stay in love or stray for love x It's all to do with u

  20. That is true, principally because love is its own aim and reward. However, getting to this place requires sacrifice and that is generally the antithesis of "the me generation."

  21. Love is as love does. Therefore, you can always ask the question, "Is this love?" When a person abuse you or misuse you and then says, "I love you." You know the answer, that is not love;not unless you consider abuse and misuse, kindness.

  22. That is true. so when it comes to interpersonal human relationships, we can place a person's actions side by side with God's character and still ask the question, "Is this love?"

  23. I read somewhere when God loved He gave...and then, something most precious, His only beloved Son.

    So, if I have married before but it didn't last, I wonder if I didn't give enough?

    Then I'm someone who cannot be out of love. Even if that person proves to be not good for my well being. Really, can someone love me on the same level I desire to be loved, or will I always have the love jones for someone even when it doesn't make sense?

    Maybe I'm mixing up agape love with sensual love. Or I'm not loving at all but feel comfortable thinking that I'm in love when in fact I'm loving no one. If I knew how to love, wouldn't I be married right now?

  24. No-one is perfect, but our companion in love and life is perfect for us! This is something I've learnt about my husband. We should be able to look towards the future together and learn to live with each other and accept both our own and their failings and help each other to grow and become the best we can, as partners, parents, lovers etc x

  25. Fear is a squatter living on property that faith has abandoned.
